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----  前台小姐的超强英语(超暴笑,够喷饭)  (http://v8041995.11022.vipsjym.com.my3w.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=36&id=1094)

--  作者:水水
--  发布时间:2004-7-28 20:55:16
--  前台小姐的超强英语(超暴笑,够喷饭)
刚才来了个老外,进到办公室,前台小姐左看右看,大家都在打游戏,只有自己比较清闲,面带微笑的: 前台小姐:"hello." 老外:"hi." 前台小姐:"you have what thing?" 老外:"can you speak english?" 前台小姐:"if i not speak english, i am speaking what?" 老外:"can anybody else speak english?" 前台小姐:"you yourself look. all people are playing, no people have time,youcan wait, you wait, you not wait, you go!" 老外:"good heavens. anybody here can speak english?" 前台小姐:"shout what shout, quiet a little, you on earth have what thing ?" 老外:"i want to speak to your head." 前台小姐:"head not zai. you tomorrow come!"